The 'Fear to FIERCE'


Reclaim your Raarsome and raise a wholehearted child, who knows their worth.

Suitable for Parents of ages 2-7 years


Hey Mama!

I see you ... stressed out and overwhelmed, wondering what on earth happened to your life. I see you, I was you, I am you. 

Imagine looking back on your parenting journey and knowing that you owned it. That you did everything you could to be the very best parent that you could be. The one you know you really are, underneath all the 'stuff.'

There is no guilt or regret. Just an incredible relationship with your child, based on mutual love and respect. You have an unshakeable trust in yourself and your parenting, and the conviction that you can handle anything that life throws at you.

You have learned and equipped your child, with everything they need to know to become inner driven, confident, strong human beings.

Someone who loves, trusts and believes in themselves.

A Tiger.

It's going to be okay ... you just forgot who you are.

Welcome back :)

"Rachel's course is the most well thought out, conscientious and all encompassing programme I have ever done, or will ever likely to need. It provides so much support and a wealth of professional knowledge as well as personal experience to draw from. Above all though it's fun and includes my child in workshops, songs and exploring things together, alongside the time I put into my work on my relationship to myself as a mother. I really can't recommend it enough. Get with the programme. Raar!"

Michaela Hall

Single Mama of 1

The way your child thinks and feels about themselves and the world around them before age 7, affects their whole lives

In this fully guided and transformational online 12 month container you will:

  • Strengthen your relationship and build an everlasting bond
  • Learn how to parent with your child's mental and emotional wellbeing at heart
  • Encourage a growth mindset and a healthy sense of self 
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem
  • Learn about the internal world through a unique blend of coaching and fun based activities.
  • Understand emotions and handle challenging behaviour in a way that feels amazing
  • Transform negative stories, trapped emotions, limiting beliefs and embrace your personal power
  • Encourage self awareness, empathy and improve boundaries
  • Understand and nullify fear based thoughts and negative over-thinking  
  • Learn how to listen to and trust in the inner voice 
  • Expand your perceptions of what is possible
  • Sow powerful seeds of self-belief into your child's developing subconscious mind.
  • Have a whole load of FUN!

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child."

Jordana Matsuda

Early Childhood Educator & Mama of 1

The connection and relationship you have with yourself affects all other relationships, especially the one you have with your child. It is this connection, through self awareness exercises, strategies for conscious parenting and unparalleled professional support for you as a parent, that forms the basis for this programme.

Music goes straight into the subconscious mind and it stays there ... like nothing else can

"I can't even remember what life was like before this experience, it's like I have been completely reprogrammed. If Moses had dished out the 13th Commandment and instead of honour your parents, it was honour your children, then this would be it. That's what this programme helps you do. It's liberating!

Natasha Martineau

Adoptive Solo Mama of 1

You promise me an hour of your time once a week ... and I promise you a new way of life.

This groundbreaking programme is based on 3 core principles. The power of connection, the power of belief and the power that music has to teach children literally anything.

Research shows that fun-making and play with a loving parent or caregiver, strengthens the attachment, essential for the wellbeing and self esteem of the child. This increased connection supercharges the learning taking place and strengthens the neural pathways so much more. Add in the power that music has to go straight into the subconscious mind and stay there forever and you will begin to see the incredible opportunity you hold right now, to teach your child everything they need, to live a courageous and purpose filled life.

You are in the right place if ..

1.You are already into wellbeing and personal growth and you want to introduce this to your children in a way that they can understand or remember ... or

2. You are overwhelmed and struggling in your parenting role, but want to be the very best parent you can be and help your child live to their full potential.

3. Your child struggles with confidence or challenging behaviour and you don't know how to help them.

"This is so much more than a parenting programme...This is a prescription for living."

Josephine Glanville

Mama of 2


"Pre-School are super impressed with Alice's increased confidence recently and love the Air Guitar knee slides! We have one set of leggings put aside just for this dance move as they had a hole in after the first few attempts!"

Vicky Fitzgibbon - Mama of 2

"It's like Wayne Dyer for kids."

Aine Homer

The Baby Reflux Lady & Mama of 2

Join me on this incredible journey to personal freedom and take your child with you!

Meet Rachel ...

Rachel Davis is the founder of LaLa Tigers, TEDx & International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Parent Transformation Coach, Songwriter and proud single mama of two. She writes original music and personal growth programmes to increase confidence, wellbeing and inner strength in parents and younger children.

Meet Rachel ...

Rachel Davis is the founder of the music-educational platform LaLa Tigers, TEDx & International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Transformation Coach, Songwriter and proud single mama of two. She writes original workshops and personal growth programmes to increase confidence, wellbeing and inner strength in parents and younger children.

Music & fun is like learning on steroids!

'It takes 400 repetitions to build a new synapse in the brain,
but only 12, when done with a feeling of joy and safety.'

(Dr Karyn Purvis - The Child Development Institute.)

"If you are looking for something to help you come together, have fun and focus on your and your child's mental and emotional wellbeing, this is absolutely hands down THE most incredible programme. It's life changing"

Hannah Rose Robson

Holistic Life Coach & Mama of 2

Take a look inside...

"The workbook alone is priceless! "

Ruth While

Single Mama of 1

What do I get?

In this fully supported 12 month connected parent / child experience you will get:

Initial 1:1 Session with #TeamTiger's resident Psychologist, so she can best support you during group sessions.

(Fear to FIERCE Experience only.)

Monthly Group Parent Development Session with Founder, Rachel Davis.

(Fear to FIERCE Experience only.)

Monthly Live Group Q & A's with Founder, Rachel Davis

Monthly Group Integration Session with resident Psychologist and Children's Emotional Security Specialist.

(Fear to FIERCE Experience only.)

Monthly Personal Energy Healings / Body Code & Emotion Code Sessions for you to use for yourself or your child, to release past trauma. negative stories and heal trapped emotions.

12 month access to The 'Raise a Tiger' Programme - Over 40 original, NLP based music activities and workshops for you to do together with your child.

Supporting Workbook which outlines the concepts covered in the programme in more detail, journalling questions and the space to capture your own self-realisations.

Printable Poster for your Fierce Family Compass


Bonus Expert Workshops:

Personal Safety Workshop by Safety Net 

Body / Emotions Awareness by Balance Kids

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) For Children 

Mindfulness For Children Workshop 

The Real Cost of Screen Time 

Mindset for Parents with Hay House Author, TEDx Speaker & Mindset Mentor Suzy Ashworth 


Access the FIERCE Facebook Group for additional trainings, accountability and support from your FIERCE Family!

All supported cohorts are deliberately small, so you can be seen and heard. All live support calls are UK Term time only.

Take a look at what my students say

'FIERCE' is an inside job.

The Fear to FIERCE Experience is a unique blend of intentional parent coaching, increased parent / child connection and unparalleled professional support, to help you reclaim your personal power and raise a wholehearted, confident child.

Suitable for parents with children ages 2-7 years.

Stop winging it ... Start Owning it

It's time to earn your stripes.

Let's breakdown the process ...

Each monthly coaching module is paired with a selection of original NLP and play based, music workshops to introduce the same high level concepts to your child, in a way that they can understand.

You'll be singing these songs for weeks (which is actually kind of the point!)


Clarity & Intention

This is programme is not a templated approach. Uncover the values that are important to you, the kind of child you want to raise, the things that make them unique and develop your very own Fierce Family Mantra to live by. Complete with poster for your child.



Learn how to meet your child on their level, increase attachment and focus in on the areas that cause you the most conflict... such as mealtimes, bedtimes, separation anxiety and getting ready. Learn how to use language for best results, reframe stressful moments into fun, play, love and connection, build confidence and improve your relationship.



The precursor to all growth is an understanding and awareness of 'self.' Introduce awareness of body, mind and emotions, encourage empathy and learn how to handle challenging emotions and behaviour positively.



Trust in the power of your own imagination and your innate ability to create and experience life on your terms. Expand your perceptions, work on poor boundaries, limiting beliefs, uncover fear based thinking patterns and transform them into courage, self-belief, action and purpose. Then watch as your lives expand.

The Fear to FIERCE Experience will help you to ...

Undo limiting beliefs and trapped emotions, to facilitate your own personal expansion and growth.

Improve connection between you and your child, essential for healthy emotional development.

Apply positive principles into your parenting, to support future mental & emotional health and a growth mindset.

*suitable for parents of children aged 2-7 years


For those of you who want to know ALL of the things!

1. “In your training, you mention both the 'The Fear to FIERCE Experience' and 'The Raise a Tiger Programme.' What's the difference?

The 'Raise a Tiger' Programme is the core, recorded content that everybody works through and includes a workbook that gives exercises to work through.

The 'Fear to FIERC'E Experience is fully supported and includes a coaching programme that takes participants to a deeper level of understanding. With fully guided exercises that are not in the filmed programme, plus real time professional support for parents, this is where we see the most dramatic transformations for our clients.

2. “How much time do I need to commit to this programme?”

Whichever level you opt for, this is a 12 month container. Over the years and having run this programme in many different ways, I have found that 12 months is the optimum time to facilitate the huge transformations that we can really get excited about. It's what gets the best results for our clients, however, you will see massive changes in your own perspective and your child's confidence in just the first few months. Our exciting 1 month free offer allows clients to come in and try all the things first, then review what is working for you, so you can get the most effective experience for yourself. And whilst a year may sound like a long time, it actually feels really spacious because we only work during UK school term time. You get regular breaks and time to integrate the lessons learned, but it also makes sure you have some time out with your kids because that’s the most important thing. #TeamTiger and I are all mums and we know the juggle is real.

The basic programme contains filmed workshops for you to do on your own and together with your child, a workbook containing more detailed information and journalling questions for you to complete. This level also offers some real time support, with bi-monthly Q & A, where you can ask super specific questions and receive hot seat coaching from Rachel or the team, for your personal situation. If purchasing the fully guided Fear to FIERCE Experience, you’ll also need an additional 90 minutes a month for the coaching sessions and 60 minutes for the group Psychologist sessions. The workshops to do with your children are generally around 10-20 minutes long and can be done in your own time. Not forgetting that you also have the holidays to catch up if you fall behind in any way. 

This isn’t school, nobody is going to tell you off if you fall behind. Life happens and we understand that you may not be able to make it to ever call. It;'s rare that everyone can make everything, however we trustthat you are here for a reason and that you will get what you most need and attend what you can. This is YOUR experience and as with anything, you will get out what you put in. If you miss anything, all the support calls are recorded and sent out within 24 hours, so you can always watch the replays if you can't make it.

If you would like to apply, our team will contact to understand a bit more about where you are and how to get to where you want to be. If your intention is to be the very best version of yourself you can be and raise an awesome human, then we are here to help you do exactly that. All calls are free and there is never any obligation to buy anything. However we feel it is important for us both to feel we are a good fit for each other, before taking things further and for you to fully understand what the

3. “What’s the investment? And do you offer a payment plan?”

This is not a one size fits all programme and we offer various different levels of support, depending on your personal situation.

Our programme levels range from just £99 a month for our basic level, which gives access to all the materials with live Bi- monthly hot seat coaching) and goes right up to £899 a month for a completely personal experience and there are various levels in between. We highly recommend applying for a free, no obligation consult, so together we can work out the right level of coaching and support for your needs.

It is not our intention that anyone should be excluded from our work due to financial reasons. If you are a full time single parent or on a low income, please do reach out so that we can discuss our options for either a bursary or extended payment plan. All of Team Tiger either are, or have been single parents at some point or another and we feel our work is even more needed when a parent does not have the loving support from a partner.

We understand that 12 months can sound like a long time and perhaps you're not sure if this is right thing for you, but you can't learn to swim on YouTube. You have to get into the water. Therefore to help you experience all that we have to offer and help you know that this is the right thing for you, when purchasing the Fear to FIERCE Experience, we will give you the first 2 months for the price of 1. This means you can come in and experience ALL of the support for tow months and see how it all works for you. At the end of those 2 months, we will have a 1:1 review, where you can decide to keep, or change the level of support that you have for the next 10 months. Or you can decide to leave. No questions asked. We are committed to finding a win / win situation for all and are confident that we can find the solution for you and your personal situation.

It you're still wondering if this is for you ...the question then becomes ...

'What is the long term cost of staying where you are?'

Raising a confident child who can live to their full potential is priceless and with all the important stuff happening right now, time is literally running out. You never get a second chance to raise a child. 

4. “How do I know I'm ready to join The Fear to FIERCE Experience?”

If you’re tired of living in overwhelm, reactivity, fear of judgement, feeling like there is more for you or not feeling enough… then you’re ready.

If you want to look back on this part of your life and know that you freaking owned it and live with no guilt and regret, you’re ready.

If you want to step into a new way of life, a new way of being and raise an awesome human who can navigate all of what life will throw at them ... you're ready.

And we can't wait to meet you!

In order to be invited to join the programme, you should be able tick all these six boxes:

  • You are a parent of younger children ( 2 - 8 years old is best, although we have had kids as old as 10.)
  • You are ready for change and you want to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.
  • You are ready to show up, do the work, implement new behaviours and make new choices,
  • You want your child to love, trust and believe in themselves and you know this starts with you.
  • You’re open to sharing your experiences and getting support from others in a safe, nurturing environment.
  • You want an amazing relationship with your child and you want to parent like a total rockstar.

5. “I hate tech. What do I need to do?

We cover everything in our onboarding session, but it’s all super simple and #TeamTiger and I are always here to help you. All you need is a phone, tablet, or a computer. All our coaching and support sessions are delivered over Zoom, which is super easy to use and all the workshops are on a platform called Kajabi, which you can work through in your own time. It’s super easy to use, even if you’re not tech savvie. There's even an app if you prefer.

5. “How big are the groups?”

This depends on the level of support that you purchase. The all inclusive Fear to FIERCE Experience (which includes the fully guided coaching sessions) is intentionally intimate, so I can serve you in the best possible way. At any given time, there’ll be a maximum of 6 parents in your cohort for coaching and Psychologist support, so you will also form really strong bonds with others in your group. We have found this to be incredibly beneficial for all involved and our experience has shown that you will have a supportive group of parents who have your back for the duration of the programme, and who often go on to meet up with their children in real time. For you, that means you get a sisterhood of awesome fierce mama’s (or papa's,) to support you through your wobbles and celebrate your wins.

There can be more parents on the live Q & A’s if you are purchasing the basic level of The Raise a Tiger Programme, but these are also great opportunities to learn from others who are deeper into the experience. Some of our clients even have meet ups in real time with their kids. It’s a really glorious FIERCE family and I can’t wait for you to get to meet them.

Your journey to your new life starts with a simple and no obligation conversation. It is important to me that we make sure this is the right process for you, before a place in this life changing programme is offered to you and we like to meet all participants before joining. This helps us get a better understanding of how we can best support you and make a more personalised recommendation, based on your own unique circumstances.

All the other coaches and support on #TeamTiger are also parents. Una, our Psychologist, went through my beta programme with her own kids when I first launched it a few years ago, so she really does know all the things. Whilst Iren who supports parents with the personal sessions has a degree in Psychology and is a mum of FIVE! I'm going to say that again whilst clapping ... FIVE! So as you can imagine she brings wealth of experience as a mother, alongside of the life-changing Body Code, Emotion Code and Energy Healings for any parents going through the Fear to FIERCE Experience.

6. I'm not musical ... and I'm a bit scared that I might have to sing! Does that matter?

Not in the slightest. There is no performance element to this programme, only what you do together with your child in the privacy of your own living room, You don't need to be able to sing, dance or play any instrument. The music sessions are pre-recorded fun activities for you to do, together with your child. All you have to do is press play and have fun! (We do however LOVE to see the odd picture or video in the facebook group, but this is completely optional. Nobody can see you, but I can promise you, your child will.

7. “Can you guarantee results?”

No. I'm not sure any coach can. You have to show up and do the work. If you’re looking for guarantees or are just throwing money at the problem without being prepared to take any action or do things differently, then you’re probably not right for this container. However, if you decide that you are worth investing in and if you decide that you can no longer stay where you are ... #TeamTiger and I will do everything we can to support you and hold your hand every step of the way. I'll gladly teach you what I know and offer you proven strategies and professional support, to help your through the process. These are practises and ways of being that need to be adopted and integrated over time. Each module builds on the understanding of the last, but there is no magic bullet. All change comes from within. Our role is to expand your perspective, hold you accountable, uncover everything you are hiding behind, reflect it back at you and help you heal and move forwards to a brighter and shinier you. So that you can raise a conscious child brimming with confidence and self-belief.

Ultimately you are the magic bullet. And we believe in you. So what are you waiting for?

You never get a second chance to raise a child ...

make sure you Raise a Tiger

Plans for all levels

We understand everyone is starting this journey from different places. So whether you’re already a conscious parenting warrior or you're completely new to the world of personal growth, there’s a monthly plan for you.

Each level follows the same core content but is tailored with support to suit your personal circumstances and can be upgraded throughout your experience if required. Benefit from a 10% saving by purchasing via a single investment. All offers backed by our 60 day love me or leave me guarantee*

*Terms and conditions apply.

Raise a Tiger

Self Study

Whether you're already doing the work or you don't want the coaching programme and additional support available on other levels, this one is for you. This level requires the ability to implement on your own and introduces personal growth to children in a way that they can understand.

  • Lifetime access to all filmed content and workbook
  • Bi-monthly live Q & A
  • Monthly Group Guided Coaching Session
  • Monthly Group Psychologist Session
  • Monthly Personal Energy Healings (optional)
  • 1:1 Psychologist Session on joining.
  • 3 x 1:1 Sessions with Founder, Rachel Davis
  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Founder Rachel Davis
  • WhatsApp Access


for 12 months or one payment of £999

Please note all live sessions are UK term time only.

Fear to FIERCE

Fully Guided

If you're really into conscious parenting, but know there is more work to be done or you just prefer a fully guided, supported coaching programme, This level offers a much deeper and more transformative experience with small group coaching & real time support.

  • Lifetime access to all filmed content and workbook
  • Bi-monthly live Q & A
  • Monthly Group Guided Coaching Session
  • Monthly Group Psychologist Session
  • Monthly 1:1 Emotion Code Sessions
  • 1:1 Psychologist Session on joining
  • 3 x 1:1 Sessions with Founder, Rachel Davis
  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Founder Rachel Davis
  • WhatsApp Access


for 12 months or one payment of £3999

Please note all live sessions are UK term time only.

Sabre Tooth


If you prefer a more personal approach and would like to have the professionals all to yourself, then this 1:1 premium level is for you and also gives access to all of the group sessions in Fear to FIERCE if you wish, so you can still benefit from the support of your cohort.

  • Lifetime access to all filmed content and workbook
  • Bi-Monthly Live Q & A
  • Monthly Group Guided Coaching Session
  • Monthly Group Psychologist Session
  • Monthly 1:1 Emotion Code Sessions
  • Monthly 1:1 Psychologist Sessions
  • 3 x 1:1 Sessions with Founder, Rachel Davis
  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Founder Rachel Davis
  • WhatsApp Access


for 12 months or one payment of £6999

Please note all live sessions are UK term time only.

Don't Miss Out!

Apply Now to Join This Spectacular Programme!